Sydney Aircraft Hire

The cheapest aircraft hire in Sydney area

Why us?

We have a 2001 IFR Cessna 172 with GNX 375, ABSB, Parachute & Leather seats

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Low Price

  • Lowest price in Sydney region.
  • Cost effective flying with $275 exclude GST.
  • Owner members - lower rates.

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Excellent Location

You can hire aircraft at Bankstown airport and we can deliver it you for extra charge. Cost share flights with our safety pilot available.

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Easy Processes

  • You will need aircraft familiarization unless you have flown FWC in last 3 months .
  • Online booking and payments .
  • Please ring 0432183257 for complex block or away day bookings. Coupons available to book ground time .

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Learning Centre

Learning centre offers you resources on how to start and fly our aircraft. On line checklist and tutorials.

Sydney Aircraft Hire

Syndicate Membership

Please contact us to discuss membership  program . Please read terms and conditions for membership before applying. Membership is by invitation only.


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